Uncover the ease, elegance and fun of multivariate statistics

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PRIMER version 7

Our core package for sharp, sophisticated​ nonparametric multivariate analysis

PRIMER has become the global standard in software tools for nonparametric​ multivariate analysis. Classical techniques falter when there are too many​ variables, or when assumptions of multivariate normality do not hold.​

PRIMER comes to the rescue with statistical methods that rely on robust​ permutation techniques for rigorous inference, generally performed on rank​ similarities, chosen by the user. Minimise your assumptions. Maximise your insights.​

​Filled with a host of new offerings unique to PRIMER (such as 3-way ANOSIM,
threshold-metric MDS, kRCLUSTER, bootstrap averages, etc.), version 7 provides
an indispensable modern tool to visualise, analyse and characterise salient patterns in multivariate data.


Our add-on package: model your multivariate​ data in response to complex study designs

PERMANOVA+ takes dissimilarity-based analyses to a whole new level: to​ multi-factorial designs, discriminant analysis, model-selection, and beyond.​

Researchers have to consider lots of simultaneous factors: fixed or random,​ hierarchical, crossed, balanced or unbalanced, repeated measures​ or other structures in time and space.​

PERMANOVA+ lets you easily tackle complexity, including high-order interactions.​

With PERMANOVA+, all of the hard stuff has been worked out, implemented​ and tested by the experts, freeing you to focus on what matters most: the results!​

Should I Use PRIMER or R?

Think you can do everything offered by PRIMER using R? Think again!

Click on the green button below to head over to PRIMER-e’s Learning Hub to discover important pros and cons associated with using PRIMER versus R, including a specific comparison of output from the PERMANOVA routine implemented in PRIMER versus ‘adonis2’ in R.

Recommended computer specifications

For PRIMER version 7 and PERMANOVA+

Operating system: Windows 10 (must be Windows XP or later). Note that PRIMER will not run natively on Apple Mac OSX, but it is possible to use it via virtualization software or Boot Camp.
CPU: Modern Intel or AMD processor
RAM: 8 GB or more
Hard-disk space: 100 MB or more